THE single grape series
Серията Single Grape е истински уникална и рядко срещана. Дава ви възможност да се върнете назад във времето и да опитате коняк от стари сортове грозде. Ние имаме Монтилс, Коломбар и Фол Бланш. Само около 2% от всички коняци са направени от грозде, което не е Ugni Blanc. Single-Grape серията на семейство Годе е като машина на времето.

Godet Single Grape Folle Blanche
This is one of the most impressive grape varieties for cognac, it was a personal favourite of Louis XIV. After the phylloxera disaster of 1875 Folle Blanche became a very rare and expensive cognac to have. With the help of two generations of Godet, now we can try something, which was inaccessible to the general public until recent. It's a great honey coloured cognac with a very gentle taste. Matures between 10 and 20 years.

Godet Single Grape Montils
It is very interesting to see how different grape varieties change the essence of cognac. Montils is a well rounded cognac with the taste of vanilla and toffee. An extremely well balanced drink. It matures between 10 and 20 years. This sort of grape is rare for cognac, but is famous for its use in the fortified wine Pineau des Charentes.

Godet Single Grape Colombard
Colombard grapes provide us with a very interesting cognac that is more masculine. It has a full and dense flavour reminding us of chocolate with a little bitterness. This grape variety is rare for cognac, but when it comes to wine it is permitted for use in the Bordeaux appellation. It was widely used for cognac before 1875, but since then only 0,5% is made from it. Matures between 10 and 20 years in french oak barrels.